Category Archive: Posts

Aug 26

Chenchen MOU Defends PhD Thesis


Yesterday, Chenchen MOU successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Flexible Adhesive Hydrogel-Based Electrodes for Electrophysiological Monitoring” in the @CMU_BME Department. Congratulations, Chenchen and best of luck in the future!

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May 05

Durva wins poster award as ASM young members night

PhD student Durva NAIK recently won the best poster at the ASM Young Members Night poster session. The poster describes her project on bio-inspired ingestible devices for oral drug delivery. Congrats, Durva!

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Jan 26

Bettinger gives virtual seminar to Seoul National University


Chris BETTINGER gives a seminar to the Biointegrated Electronics and Materials group in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at Seoul National University. Thanks to Seung-Kyun KANG for the kind invitation.

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Jan 26

Chenchen MOU receives Bushnell Fellowship

PhD student Chenchen MOU receives the Neil and Jo Bushnell Fellowship in Engineering. his fellowship was created through the generosity of Neil and Jo Bushnell and it was established to provide merit fellowships to graduate students pursuing doctoral degrees in nanotechnology or electronic materials in CIT.

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Oct 11

Spencer selected as a 2020-2021 James R. Swartz Entrepreneurial Fellow


Congrats to Spencer for being selected as a Swartz Fellow. This initiative fast-tracks the careers of Carnegie Mellon University’s first year graduate students who are passionate about entrepreneurship in the technology arena. The program’s core is a mentored summer internship with a top-tier VC-backed startup within the high-tech, high-growth environment of California’s Silicon Valley and …

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