Category Archive: Announcements

Aug 08

Hydrogel-based neural probes highlighted in Advanced Science News


Wei-Chen’s work on hydrogel-based neural interfaces highlighted in Wiley Advanced Science News. Congrats to Wei-Chen and the team!

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Aug 06

Article on polydopamine nanomembranes published in Advanced Engineering Materials


Zihao (Derrick) Ding and Ik Soo publish a paper in Advanced Engineering Materials based on a collaboration with Prof Pistorius (MSE).

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Jul 27

Article on edible electronics published in Angewandte Chemie


A mini-review article on advances in materials for edible electronics was recently published in Angewandte Chemie.

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Jul 10

Congrats to the 2018 graduates from Carnegie Mellon


Congrats to the BME, MSE, and all graduates from CMU in 2018! Best of luck with your future endeavors!

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Jul 10

Ik Soo defends PhD thesis

Ik Soo successfully defends his PhD thesis entitled “Multimodal Control of Adhesion in Polydopamine Nanomembranes through Texture, Microstructure, and Chemistry Control”. Congrats, Ik Soo!

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