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Biomedical Engineering + Materials Science
Christopher J Bettinger
cbetting [at] andrew [dot] cmu [dot] edu
Voice: (412) 268-7677
Fax: (412) 268-7596
Mailing Address:
5000 Forbes Ave
Wean Hall 4315
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Lab News
Jiwoo and Gaurav both pass MSE thesis proposal exams
Jiwoo and Gaurav both recently passed their thesis proposal exams, which is a critical step towards earning their PhD degree. Congrats Jiwoo and Gaurav!
Jiwoo’s paper on strain sensors published in Advanced Nanobiomed Research
Jiwoo publishes a paper on a strategy to reduce hysteresis in strain sensing for use in monitoring cardiac output. Congrats, Jiwoo!
Durva wins 1st place at local SWE conference
PhD candidate Durva Naik presented her work at the SWE Local conference held in Des Moines, Iowa and won 1st Place in the collegiate competition for her Poster and Talk. She was selected as one of the top 5 finalists to compete on-site. The poster describes her project on ingestible devices for drug delivery.
Gaurav participates in “Skype with a Scientist”
PhD candidate Gaurav Balakrishnan participates in a “Skype with a Scientist” program where high school science students in Louisiana engage with engineers and scientists from across the country.
Bettinger Group publishes paper in Advanced Materials
The Bettinger Group publishes a review paper on biomaterials and flexible electronics in Advanced Materials. Congrats to Gaurav, Jiwoo, and Chenchen!